Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Aint it funny . . .

That over a month ago I posted a big rant about lame vacation spoils from Hawaii and tomorrow I am leaving to go there myself. I have not been in a writerly mood until now, when I am overjoyed to get some time off and leave this HELL HOLE for which I have been working.

A lot has gone down since August 15th.

I lost my boss.

I lost any shred of respect I had for my direct superiors and there direct superiors and so on.

And in turn, I lost my will care about what I'm doing here; I failed to care enought to write about it. Sad but true.

All the relentless stupidy will be written down one day when the time is right. It will be ridicuous and it will be fantastically funny. Luckily time does that to snivelling comments and passive aggressive work environments.

But all in good time. Right now I have shuttle reservations to make. :-)

See you in a few weeks!

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