When you go on vacation why is it obligatory to buy something for every person in your office, whether you like them or know them or not, that is dumb and less than a dollar (or the value of such in some foreign currency)? Whatever joker started this must be laughing their fucking head off.
My vacation spoils so far, and remember I'm knew to my current boat of corporate crazies, are a mini rubber cow and a Hawaiian pencil. Yay. My life is now complete.
It's just one more layer of bullshit, like the forced "Oh how are you?" someone asks while speeding past you hoping you don't want to actually answer. Wouldn't words and actions and mini rubber cows mean a little more if we really wanted them to?
When I go on vacation, I'm bringing something back for my boss (maybe) and for my editor friend here that I adore and love to talk to every day. That's it. And it's gonna be something cool (not from my vacation spot's 99 cent only store) and everyone else can go shove their brand new Hawaiian pencils up their butts. :-)
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