Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Felons, Cousins and Radicals Beware!

I spent the better part of my morning proofreading a new version of the 2007 health insurance coverage policy. We all get these when we start new jobs, but do we ever read the fine print? Well, it's my job now to read ALL fine print and, to my surprise, there was actually some vital and mildy entertaining information about health insurance coverage that most of us probably don't realize.

Did you know that the following are not covered?

1.) If you hurt yourself while parachuting or flying an "aerial vehicle"

2.) If you hurt yoursef while committing a felony or participating in a "riotous insurrection"

3.) If you hurt yourself and are the supposed spouse or domestic partner of the insured individual, when in actuality, you are a blood relative and involved in an incestuous relationship with the insured individual

Assuming that most coverage policies have similar guidelines, please be mindful folks and check to see whether you can parachute, rob an ice cream truck or storm the Bastille with a little peace of mind that your own medical coverage is intact.

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