I wavered, I backed out, I reconsidered, and several more repetitions of the same three actions later . . . I found myself standing around a massive courtyard schmoozing with 300 people drinking beer in the searing heat. In truth, I must admit, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. There was free booze. My coworkers and I pondered the great questions of life ("So do you think that chick over there is trying to pick up on the dude wearing the nice shoes - she's ALL over him?)And 45 minutes later the festivities were officially old, the goodie bags were discovered to be lame and shamefully promotional, and we were ready to roll.
Just as we were on our way, out of the corner of my eye, I spotted an extremely friendly fellow who started an extremely friendly website that is a place for friends - and he's friends with everyone. (HINT HINT WINK WINK)
You may recognize him in the photo below. He's a good guy actually. As in, he didn't run for dear life when accosted by two hyper giggly chicks vying for a photo op. :-)