Monday, December 18, 2006

Here out of guilt.

I'm not gonna lie. I really have nothing to say today. I just feel really bad that it's been over a month and I have found nothing to inspire me to write an entry. So that means I have been inspired to write an entry by my lack of inspiration to write an entry.

I am also, obviously, very tired.

I really admire Bloggers who write everyday, even the bad writers, because there's something to be said for dedication and steadfastness even when it's sucky.

There is a giant Hello Kitty pumping wet air out of it's head in the cubicle next to me. It's a humidifier if you haven't guessed. Right now this seems worth mentioning.

The Holidays make me tired. Very langourous, I just want to find a fireplace somewhere and curl up next to it like an American Shorthair. And purrrrrrrr.

I have 5 minutes and counting. One one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand . . .

Note to self: Don't write when you have absolutley nothing to say.

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