Friday, August 18, 2006

Playing Hooky

Last Monday I went on a 40 mile bike ride. I fell off my bike about 2/3's of the way through, got up and rode the rest of the way, wiith what I found out later was a hairline fracture in my elbow. That's when the fun began. I got a big cast on my arm that prevented me from performing a few basic, but absolutely necassary functions to appear in public (fasten bra straps, zip zippers, lace shoes, put deoderant on, etc.) I made the executive decision to spare my fellow employees the discomfort of working in close range of me and worked from home. So by Thursday, I was feeling pretty good. Working from home was fun, I decided leave a little early because work was so slow, so I'm with my buddy cruising up the escalator at 3:45 and who just happens to be at the top, staring straight at me? The excutive director of my company. He kindly greeted me with a monotone voice and look of confusion: "What'd you do to your arm?"

"I broke it. I'm a clutz"

"Oh. Well take care of it"


End of scene and beginning of feeling like an idiot for cruising the mall and running into my boss's boss's boss. Then again - What the fuck was HE doing at the mall at 3:45 on a work day. I didn't see his arm in a cast! But that didn't matter of course, and he did call the office immediately to "tell on me" and make sure I had cleared the day as a formal day off with the office. Grrrrrrrrr.

So let this be a warning: When you play hooky - Don't injure yourself and do NOT run into your boss!

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