Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A little run down.

Yes, as a matter of fact I am. I'm tired of many things at this job and so I will double entrendre my way into a little run down of what is making me so:

1.) My boss: his little disapproving noises, "mmm, hmmmm, ehhh" I hope he gets some sort of sickness and looses his ability to produce sound.

2.)The Cafe: the meat has this iridescent sheen. Nice on nail polish, gross on cold cuts.

3.) The Bathroom I DON'T have: I have to walk to another building to tinkle. I'm all for exercise, but sometimes when nature calls, it does not want to wait for you to run down the stairs and across the parking lot and down the hallway to answer.

4.)Status Meetings: What I affectionally refer to as the "My boss is selfish and sneaky" meeting where he gathers everyone together and we tell him what we're doing so he doesn't have to spend time actually doing his job keeping track of what we're doing.

5.) Me getting NO raise: Zero, nada, squat. I mean, I wasn't expecting to be showered with praise or even mildly appreciated, but 1% cost of living would have been the decent, honorable thing to do. Then again, I work here, so this makes perfect sense.

I could go on, but I'd rather spend my time on the company's dollar looking for new, pleasant sounding, fresh tasting, generous places to work, with conveniently located bathrooms and an understanding of inflation.