Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My Boss Likes My Shoes

After a particularly grueling week of work 2 weeks ago, last week left me a little drained, so even without much work to do, I didn't feel much like posting. Now, with lots of fodder from last week and a 20 oz. iced mocha under my belt, I feel rested as well as rejuventated (and by "rejuventated" I mean hyped up on caffiene, wheeeeeeee!)

I might have mentioned that I don't really hang out with a lot of people at work or have a "flourishing garden of friends" or whatever. I'm like one of those house plants in its own pot, or I'm in a window box with a couple other colorful varieties that keep to themselves and don't need much water, i.e. my boss and the senior editor - basically the only people with whom I care to have non-work related conversations. So that's why you only hear about them unless I'm bashing upper management yet again. And since the senior editor was out sick most of last week most of this is boss related material.

And with that long winded botanical preface, here's all the fun stuff you missed due to my posting ennui:

1.) Singing - My boss and our graphic designer, who seem to be the same age and thus grew up watching the same TV shows, apparently have a thing for theme songs. I listened to several lovely duets from two middle-aged men humming and singing Starsky and Hutch, The Jeffersons, and Get Smart.

2.) Zodiac Signs - Not only do my boss and I share the same sign, Aries, we share the same birthday. No wonder we get along! Turns out the graphic designer who sits right in front of my boss is also an Aries, which promted my boss to exclaim with an unusual amount of enthusiasm, "I now call this corner, THE RING OF FIRE!" Who says things like that?

3.) The knowledge that I am merely a pawn in this game I call "my job" - No matter how well, or expeditiously I perform my job duties, I must always rememeber, that there will be someone who's being paid bundles more than me to take what I've written and turn it back into shit and call it better.

4.) The title of this post -

Gullwing Tretorns were first introduced to me as a little kiddie. My mom dabbled in college tennis and back in the 70's tretorns were all the rage. So I bought my first pair when I was 13 and have been a convert ever since. Luckily few people like them so you can find them ridiculously cheap, if you can find them at all. What makes them SO great is that they are lined with terry cloth so it's bascically like a shoe that comes with its own sock. BAD ASS.

My Boss is a squash player and when I walked in the door this morning he immediately spotted my shoes and and began to explain the evolution of "old skool" tennis shoes. He even runs his own blog about the sport called www.squashlord.com or something.

That's it.

I've also been writing this post for an extremely long amount of time because the Senior Editor stopped by to bitch about how crazy, scandalous and devious upper management is here which took up a solid 45 minutes. God I love her. :-)

Friday, July 06, 2007

Such an apt description of what I do, that I just had to quote it . . .

The following is an email chat I had with my coworker and fellow editor this morning after she was out of the office yesterday.

-----Original Message-----
From: E
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 10:42 AM
To: Sarah
Subject: Good Morning

Did I miss anything yesterday?

-----Original Message-----
From: Sarah
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 10:44 AM
To: E
Subject: Good Morning

Nope, you didn't miss much. I had lunch with Matt, Iris and Erica. That

-----Original Message-----
From: E
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 10:50 AM
To: Sarah
Subject: Good Morning

Whoa! Lunch with Iris and Erica? Was it a working lunch?

-----Original Message-----
From: Sarah
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 10:53 AM
To: E
Subject: Re: Good Morning

Yeah, we had to discuss the 08 Conference brochure, which I'm writing and apparently it's a BFD (big f-ing deal). Matt said this will basically absorb all of my time.

It's just a brochure people! It's really small, so I'm kinda worried that I'm not worried about it. Y'know?

-----Original Message-----
From: E
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 10:57 AM
To: Sarah
Subject: Good Morning

Yes, I totally know what you mean. When they ask you to "work your magic" on copy I always cringe.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sarah
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 10:59 AM
To: E
Subject: Re: Good Morning

Haha, you know those women VERY well. That was pretty much exactly what they told me to do, "just use your strengths to dazzle us" or something ridiculous.

I'm supposed to talk to some lady named Chee today or Monday

-----Original Message-----
From: E
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 11:03 AM
To: Sarah
Subject: Re: Good Morning

It's almost as if they are setting you up with all that "dazzle us," "work your magic," "weave your words into a beautiful tapestry" b.s. that they do, because I never really feel I know how to make something BORING interesting.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sarah
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 11:03 AM
To: E
Subject: Re: Good Morning

It's all pretty damn funny how seriously these people take themselves.

-----Original Message-----
From: E
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 11:05 AM
To: Sarah
Subject: Re: Good Morning

Oh yeah. It's a good thing to know the Conference is going to rival the second coming of Jesus.